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Monday 2 May 2011


When you quite your mind and listen with an open heart, you will hear the voice of your Divine. Listen to the guidance and feel the love that comes from it within your being. ~ACN

As children, most of are taught how to pray. Yet very few of us are taught how to meditate.  Prayer is when we talk with God.  Meditation is when we listen to the voice of our Divine.  We can only meditate when we empty our minds of all that clutter it up and “be” still in the moment.  It is in these times that we hear, feel and know that which comes through our higher selves from our Divine. 

Do not fear this. God speaks to us in many ways. Sometimes He talks with us directly, sometimes He sends us Angels, both those of the Celestial Realm and those who walk the earth and talks through them.  Be open to receiving His loving guidance through all channels that He may choose to use.

A form of meditation is to sit quietly with both feet placed firmly on the ground.  Burn a candle and play some gentle music and close your eyes. Open your hand allowing your palms and face up.  Regulate your breathing and focus only on this.  Hear and feel each breath as you inhale and exhale.   Now let go and “be” allowing your mind to take you where you should be, seeing what you should see, and hearing what you should hear.  Be at peace with the process and give thanks in gratitude for your time with your Divine. Know that you are loved and are love.

In love and light,

Photo courtesy of:


  1. Meditation is hard when u have too much on your mind, How can i change that and start meditating?

  2. Lenard, when you are in the breathing state, imagine bubbles in your head. Every time a thought pops up, place it into the bubble and release it from your head allowing it to float away into the universe. Pretty soon, you will no longer have thoughts jumping in and you will be in a state to receive the guidance you seek from your Divine.

    In love and light,

  3. Thank you Amanana ... i will work with that .... Love u
