Look not to the past in judgment. Look to the past in learning. Live for the now and be the difference you want to see in the world. ~ ACN
Imagine if your head faced the back of your body. How strange would that be! There is a good reason why we are born with our heads facing forwards. Our Divine wants us to learn from our past experiences not look back on them with regret and misgivings about what has been. We are not able to change what is gone yet we can take what we have learned from it and apply it to our lives going forward.
Take the example of burning your finger. You may have dipped your finger into a pot of hot oil just to see how hot it was. You experience the pain of doing so and a memory is created within your brain. The next time you have hot oil; you will recall that memory and will remember the pain associated with it. With this knowledge, you will know not to do the same thing again.
Carrying past experiences forward is just like sticking your finger into the boiling hot oil. You have the experience (stick your finger in the oil), you experience the pain (result of the experience), you create the memory (reminder of the pain), carry the knowledge forward (know not to do it again).
We may have had a life where there was little or no trust for example. You may have learned from this experience that trust is a tenuous thing, that your trust can be easily broken. You store this memory and continue in life. The next time you enter a relationship with someone, you should enter it in a trusting fashion. Just because you have had your trust broken in the past does not mean it will happen again. The circumstances’ surrounding the broken trust is the lesson you must carry forward not the actual ability to trust. Each relationship we have is different and each has its own lesson for us. When we take each relationship as a unique experience, we are able to live in the “now’ with it and “be” with it thereby using past knowledge as a tool and not living the past experiences in the current circumstance. It stands to reason then, that we can be different in our approach to it and hence grow from it. Allow each experience to enhance you as a peaceful, loving and compassionate being. You are, after all, the difference you want to see in the world.
May you be blessed at you continue to look ahead with an open attitude, carrying no baggage from your past, and be all you can be in this life time on Mother Earth.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://theallpictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Angel-Picture.jpg
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