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Friday 6 May 2011



In honour of my mom, 
Margaret Patricia McDermid (nee Wright)  


Mom, yours was the first face that I saw.
I lay wrapped in a hard hospital blanket and gazed into your eyes. 
Your face was so fuzzy and you were tired and worn,
Yet you looked at me with love in your eyes,
And I knew that I had chosen well.

You taught me so many things,
You taught them to me so well,
You stuck to you contract to make me strong,
You showed me a million things as well,
Yes you taught me well.

As our time on earth drew on,
We had our ups and downs,
Sometimes it was very hard to hear your truth,
Yet I knew it was always done with love.

Toward the end of your life, dear Mom,
I know that you were proud,
Of what I turned out to be,
Your contract now was done.

As I watched your breath fade away,
Becoming shallower as the days went by,
I saw the gathering around your head,
Of those who came to take you home.

And so with such a peaceful look upon your face,
You sighed so gently and left us all that day,
I knew that I could not cry,
For you had done what you came to do.

Now I know that high above,
You are one of the Angels of love,
You gently guide me through my life,
And look on me with love.

Thank you Mom for all you were,
Thank you for the things you did,
Thank you for being the vehicle for my entry to Mother Earth,
Thank you for being you.

I miss you like crazy you have to know,
I wish to see you smile,
I pray each day to my Divine,
That I could just hear you laugh once more.

I long for the fragrance of your skin,
For your touch upon my hand,
I know that sometime in the future,
I will be with you again.~ ACN

Love you Mom and miss you so much. Happy Mothers Day Mom!

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