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Monday 16 May 2011


The act of peace starts with each one of us... Be peaceful within yourself today... ~ACN

Each one of us has the ability to live in a state of peace.

Peace is a result of profound love and compassion for and of others. We come from a place of absolute Divine Love, given us by our Creator, our Divine. Our Divine is not an angry, contemptuous God but one of great love and compassion. God is certainly not a cold and distant huge man, with a big bushy beard, who lives somewhere in the sky and who will crack His whip at us, sending us to the depths of a fiery hell should be falter or fail. No! He is one of supreme love. He is a compassionate God. He made us in His image. Since He is a God of Love, it stands to reason that so too are we.

Each act of kindness, compassion and love that we carry out brings us to a place of peace for peace exists within our being. Even those who are engaged in the act of war are capable of reaching this state and many often do. I am reminded daily of this as I view images of the current war in Afghanistan and Libya as I see images of soldiers who comfort children, battered and scared by the violence that they see. One can almost see the compassion and love they show these little mites.

We often think that only those of us who are called to work in the nursing and social services are able to love others with such compassion. This is untrue. Yes, they are truly dedicated and do what they are called to with such devotion and they usually exude an aura of peacefulness. Yet each one of us is able to show such compassion and love both to ourselves and to others.

Imagine if we did not have “gall”. Gall is the bitterness of life. Without this there is no reason to exist in any state other than love and therefore have peace. The Dove is known for its ability to process its gall straight into the stomach and is subsequently excreted as waste from its body. It has no ability to hold onto bitterness as it does not have a gallbladder in which to store the gall. It is for this reason that it is known as the bird of peace. Now imagine if we had no gall bladder. How awesome would that be!

We must remember that it is up to each one of us as individuals to be peaceful. We cannot buy peace, it must come from ourselves. It all starts with you!

Be peaceful today. Be peace today. Be peace.

In love and light,


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