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Friday 6 May 2011

Honoring Your Body


When you honor your body, you honor your soul.  Pamper your body today. Let it feel the glory that it is. Celebrate it for the awesome creation that it is. Give thanks that it agreed to house your soul. `ACN

Our bodies.... oh,  what a sensitive subject this can be for some. 

Given that we actually choose the body that houses our soul in pre-life, it is quite incredible that we are so critical of what we have chosen.  We complain that we are too short, or too tall. Or we complain that our hair is curly or it is too straight, we complain that we are fat or too thin. Or that we are not blessed with supreme outer beauty.  Now just imagine for a minute how incredibly boring the world would be if we were all the same or if we were clones of each.  I for one am so grateful that we are all different, that we are all unique.

Having said of all this, we must remember that our soul chose this body for its incarnation to Mother Earth in this life time.  The body is the vessel that carries your soul.  Our soul requires great things of our bodies.  Some of us have to have twisted and broken bodies, or ones that are so pain filled, or diseased bodies or perhaps very beautiful bodies.  The choice of body, as with the choice of family, is primarily to allow the soul to experience those lessons it came to experience.  How would you get the lesson of teasing if ,for example, you did not have big ears that protruded from your head like satellite dishes?  Or how would you get the lesson of glamor or vanity if you did not have the body of a Miss or Mr World finalist.   

No matter what your body looks like it deserves to be honored and cherished for taking on this privileged task.  By resting the body, pampering it, massaging it, refreshing it, nourishing it, allowing it to soak up the oils of the earth or exercising it and so on we give credence to it and in so doing we honor it in its current form.  

The need to receive love is not just a need by the soul in remembrance of its origins but is also a need of the body.  The body loves to be loved.  It loves to feel the touch of another upon its skin.  It loves to be pampered and treasured.  It loves to be revered. 

Really love your body.  Tell it is beautiful and stunning. Tell it that you love the way you look, whether you  have bumps and lumps of cellulite, acne or any other impediment.  Really mean it when you say it and feel the love flow from your inner being for it.   Love your body more than you would love another.  It is after all the only body you will have in this life-time on Mother Earth. 

In love and light,

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