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Wednesday 4 May 2011

Receiving with Gratitude

I open my arms to receive all I that ask for and more. I raise up my face and give thanks for all that I have and I that I am. ~ACN

Receiving in gratitude...  What a beautiful thing to do for yourself. 

We all, at some point in our lives, have feelings of unworthiness and undeservingness.  Yet once we have overcome these, some of us still feel that we are unable to receive.  We create blocks that prevent us from receiving all that is good into our lives.  One of these blocks is gratitude.

So what is gratitude?  According to the dictionary gratitude is “a feeling of being thankful to somebody for doing something”.  In not being grateful for all that comes into your life you are denying the Universe the privilege of providing you with even more.  No matter what you are asking for, be it love, a soul mate, financial abundance etc, the expression of gratitude is so important.

When we are not in gratitude we kind of receive with a half opened hand.  We question why we are being given what we have asked for. We are too proud to receive what we are offered. We place conditions on what we receive; if you give me this, I will do that and so on. Often, we are ungracious in receiving with gratitude. Or we simply forget to be grateful.  In doing these things we deny our soul the opportunity to be what it came to be. 

Gratitude can and should be expressed in advance of what you receive as well as after you receive what you need.  Remember our wants are not always in line with our needs.  The Universe understands this and is willing and able to give you whatever your heart desires always doing so for your higher good.  It will never give you what is harmful to you or that will detract you from your path.

The next time you are presented with that for which you have asked open your hand fully and with reverend gratitude accept it.  No questions, no disdain no judgment of self, no guilt, simply be grateful and gracious in accepting what you so rightly deserve. Allow the feeling of being thankful to come directly from your heart.  Really feel the appreciation for what you receive.

May all that you ask for be for the fulfillment of your higher good and may you receive abundantly in gratitude.

In love and light,

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