The greatest thing one can receive is the gift of love. The most gracious thing one can give is the gift of love. Be gracious today and love the world around you. May you experience both greatness and grace today. ~ACN
Love! Such a small word yet one that has such impact in the world!
The dictionary describes love to be the tender affection, romantic and sexual desire and longing for somebody. Yet for me love goes so much deeper. Love is when you unconditionally accept, without judgement, every aspect of yourself or another.
To love another, you must be in a state of love for yourself. When we are critical of others we see that which we criticize in ourselves. Likewise, when we see the love in others we can see the love within ourselves. Yet recognition is not enough. We must become love. In order to receive love we must give love and when we give love, we receive love. In saying this, just because you may love someone profoundly does not mean that they, specifically, will love you in return. Accept this, and release them with love. Know though, that you will receive love from others even although you may not always be aware of whom it is.
We are all born with absolute, all consuming, unconditional love that is a Divine Love. It lies deep within our souls and is there for you, if only you reach within and find it. This love encompasses not just the emotional feeling of love that we may feel for another but allows us to feel the emotions of the recipient of it, to feel their pain, physical and non-physical, to feeling their joy, to feel their physical sensation of illness that they may have and so on. This does not mean that we will “get” their illness; it just means that for a little while we will carry their pain, lightening their load for just a small period of time. Most mothers know exactly of which I now write as they do this without thought with their children.
Of course we can choose not to carry the physical pain for others. If you find you are doing this and do not want to, then simply ask “only mine, please only mine” of the Universe. Immediately you will find the pain will disappear and you will be left to carry only that which is yours.
When we love with Divine Love we raise our vibration and with it we raise the vibration of the world around us. Our planet so desperately needs this, now more than ever before.
Love someone today. Receive love today. Be love today.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://www.wishingfriends.com/graphics/i_love_you_graphics/i_love_you_10.gif
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