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Wednesday 4 May 2011

In the “Now”

In reality, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come, today is here. Therefore, release yesterday, for it is done, do not worry about tomorrow, for when it arrives it will bring its own today, Embrace what is here right now and take each experience, savoring it, living it, learning from it, then releasing it. And in doing this, grow. ~ACN


All of our past experiences make us what we are today. They have molded you, shaped you, toughened you up, and showed you great loss just as they have shown you love.  The old saying “you are what your world has made you” has never been more true.

BUT.... and it is a big “but”! 

Carrying all those lessons and the outcome of them is not a very wise idea.  We are not meant to live in the past, wishing what could have been, or what should have been.  Neither is it wise to hold on to past hurts, pains and lost loves.  Just imagine a rucksack on your back.  Each issue you don’t let go of is put into the rucksack as a rock for you to lug around.  How dreadful that must be; the weight of all those rocks crippling you and making you constantly look downward!  This being the case, the ideal is to deal with all those issues and let them go.  Removing the rocks one by one is such a blessed experience.  The fabulous feeling of relief as that rucksack empties and becomes lighter and lighter until there is nothing left and you are free of them is such an incredible experience. 

Then we often live in the future.  We believe that if we win the Lotto our lives will change. If we moved to a new home then things would be different and all our problems would disappear.  Or if so and so was not in our lives, if we earned more money, if we went on holiday and so on, the list is endless.  Recent events in the world have lead people to believe that all their troubles are over, that terrorism will cease to be, that they will be free.  Yet will they really be free, when they have not dealt with the issues that brought them to this point.  Have they dealt with the forgiveness of all involved, have they let their loved ones go? You see, if nothing has changed for them on a yesterday level, then nothing can be different in the tomorrow or the today.

There is absolutely no harm in planning for the tomorrow.  Do this with intent.  It is a totally different issue to living in the future. Set your goals on getting there and take action on them allowing you to achieve what you want your future to be.

When we live in the past or the future we cannot be free to experience what may happen today.  Our judgment is clouded by yesterday and tomorrow.  To realize each experience to its fullest potential, we must be free of the past and we must have learned not to live in the future.    We must be in the “NOW”, we must be able to live each experience as it happens, process it, learn from it, give thanks for it and then let it go.  Only then can we be free.

In love and light,

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