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Friday 13 May 2011

Spiritual Light

For when the light that shines from within shines upon the world, those around you will be lifted and find their light as well. ~ACN

We hear lots of chatter by spiritual people about “light”. Ever wondered what “light” means?

The “light” that we talk about is spiritual energy. All energy has a vibration.

We have different tones of spiritual energy. Sometimes it is dark and filled with things like depression, anger, hate, disillusion, disappointment, envy, and jealousy to name but a few. This energy is very low in its vibration and often has attachments. Attachments are kind of like little bugs that cling to our aura, sucking the life from it. They eat at our aura leaving dark spots and / or holes in it. If you could just imagine it, they are almost like tics that attach to cattle as they chomp merrily away in the field. When the tic is done fulfilling itself it drops from the animal leaving a small sore which eventually becomes scabbed as the body heals. Now imagine this kind of thing hanging on to your aura. They are certainly not a very good thing to have. They are not always present in dark and negative energy. Yet be warned that continuous negative energy will always attract these horrible little beings.

Then we have pure light spiritual energy. pure light energy is filled with things such as love, peace, kindness, compassion, courage, grace, truth, laughter, fun and so on. It has a high vibration. Because of the speed of the vibration nothing can attach to the aura and therefore it does not carry attachments. By being consistently positive we allow the vibration to be constant and light. If you can imagine how fairies would dance and jig, flapping their tiny little wings as the flit through the air, bringing lightness to their worlds, you would have a fairly accurate description of how we are able to vibrate with light.

We all arrive on Mother Earth with a light vibration. How we react to situations determines if we choose to vibrate in the dark or in the light. If you choose to react to a situation with profound love, then you will vibrate in the light. Choose to react without love then you will vibrate on a lower dark level. Whichever vibration you choose you still send those energy vibrations into the world. In light of all that is happening in the world today, we are in dire need for the vibration to be “light”. When light touches those around you, it will raise their vibration too. After all have you ever been in the company of someone who is light and walked away from them feeling down and depressed? No! You always leave in a better mood, feeling happy and good about yourself.

Being in a positive or negative state of being is totally your choice. I choose to be “LIGHT”.

In love and light,


Photo courtesy of:


  1. Amanda once again you have taught me something new. Many times I see the " love and light" salutation and never quite got it. I remember a girlfriend who was told to surround herself with light. It makes sense, a happy radiant soul would be the best defence against any sort of depression. I have always had a happy outgoing demeanour and feel blessed many times over, but that doesn't mean at times it isn't easy. To surround yourself with light, what a comforting blanket to weather all seasons.
    Love and Light to you my friend. Carmen XXXXX

  2. Thank You for your kind words Carmen. Continue to surround yourself and those around you with Light blessed one. Remember that when the going is tough, all you have to do is "light yourself up" with Pure Light. Many blessings as always.

    In love and light,
