Hug! Such a little word and one that a lot of people are so afraid of!
So let’s get to the crunch of this. To hug means to place your arms around somebody and hold the person tight to show affection or pleasure. In this world of craziness where most of us are afraid to receive love from another it often is just too much to allow another to touch us. Some of us come from backgrounds where we have been so badly hurt or abused that it is very difficult for us to allow the touch of another or for us to touch another let alone receive or give a hug. We automatically distance ourselves and often find that we become quite irritated when one steps to close to us. We want and need our “space”, usually a meter or more between us.
Yet a hug can be and is such a great comfort. To feel the loving arms of another around your shoulders in a gentle yet firm way is so comforting. Just try it. Gently place your arms around someone and give them a firm hug. No patting on the back, no swaying to and fro, no sumo wrestling mode, no squeezing the life of out the one you are hugging, just simply stand still and hug. As you hug feel their energy, inhale the essence of their being. Do this for a good one to two minutes.
When we hug each other we exchange energy. Your energy will flow into that of the one you are hugging and vice versa. Your auras will merge for this time. Your light will become theirs. Your love will flow straight into them. When we are down in the dumps and someone hugs us, we automatically receive a boost of their energy. It follows that our energy will automatically be raised. Have you ever felt even more down in the dumps after a hug? No. You always feel uplifted.
Romantic hugging is very different to hugging with Universal Divine Love although the principals of hugging are the same in that the physical actions are the same. When we hug with Divine Love we are simply demonstrating Universal Divine Love for each other. There are no expectations from each other apart from the desire to uplift the one you are hugging. When we uplift each other we raise our vibration and when we raise our vibrations we raise the vibration of the planet. Right now, with the impending shift in the world we should be doing all we can to uplift the worlds vibration and in so doing ensure a positive shift in the years to come.
Start right now. Hug your husband, hug your wife, hug your children, hug your friends and better yet, hug a stranger. Become huggers for just a day and see how your world changes around you.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/photos/uncategorized/2008/01/10/041504_hug.jpg
Truly timely. Today I returned to volunteer work after a month off. One co-worker gave me the hug you have described. Warmth of feeling and a bond which for a moment was uplifting made for a wonderful day. We should all let those barriers down and experience true friendship. Amanda for your insight a big hug. Love reading your Gems....... Love Carmen XOXOX
ReplyDeleteThank you Carmen, for your truth, your love and your hugs. Keep hugging my friend.
ReplyDeleteIn love and light,