Life is a journey of self discovery.. When we contemplate, meditate, just be, or when we are open and showing the world who we are, it is a journey of finding ourselves, of loving ourselves, accepting and treasuring what our soul really is. I love you girl, whether you show the whole of you to me or just a little. I love you.
Each of us incarnate with our intentions imprinted upon our souls. Pre-incarnation we decide what we are going to learn during this life time on Mother Earth. We plan, with the support of our Guides and Council, who will play which roles for us. We choose our birth parents and our new journey begins. As we are born, we close the veil to all our pre-planning and instantly forget all that we have learned in previous lifetimes. We arrive with a clean slate, so to speak.
Each step that we take, each little thing we learn, is a new experience for our soul as we know it in this lifetime. We learn about ourselves as we grow just as we learn about others. Unless we choose to lighten the veil, through meditation, introspection and contemplation, with each life lesson we draw it closer and closer to us and allow it to become more dense. It is kind of like closing the curtains on the raging storm outside your window. This blocks our progress. We are able at any time to lighten the veil by introspecting, going within and accessing that which is blue-printed into our soul. We can do this at any time in our current journey.
Children, who have not yet had life-knocks, do this so easily and without any conscious thought. Children do not see themselves as different to any other child. They do not see colour within nations, they do not see disfigurement as anything different or strange. They accept what they are and what others are. I recall once seeing a programme on the good old telly about the lives of conjoined twins. These precious ones were totally accepted by their friends and peers for what they were and their childhoods were just as any other child, filled with fun, laughter, joy and love. Only as the child grows and enters their teenage years do they learn what judgement is.
When we sit at one with our soul and are comfortable within our being, we no longer fear showing the world what we are. We, at this stage, have reached a place of self acceptance, self love and inner peace. Of course this is a journey and you will find that each little treasure you discover within yourself will emerge when you are fully familiar with it and have accepted it, are able to honour it and celebrate it. It’s almost like walking over stepping stones. Each one you step on is an achievement, bringing you closer to the bank on the other side of the river.
Most certainly, one small step at a time, these little treasures add up and pretty soon you are showing your inner being, to both yourself and the world. You are showing your love. You are showing the peace within your being. Throughout your journey know always that You are love, You are peace.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://www.blueeskimo.com/media/2382/stepping-stones.jpg
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