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Tuesday 3 May 2011



See behind the masks and beneath the fears to the beauty within every heart. ~ACN


Each one of us wears masks.  We hide our feelings when wearing them showing the world we are ok when in reality we are falling apart. We wear them to show people we are what we are not.  We do the “what you want me to be” thing by wearing masks.  Sometimes we wear masks of joy, when we are in pain or vice versa.  We wear the masks to hide a multitude of things.  We do this mainly because we do not want others to think badly of us. 

 It is only when we reach a state of true enlightenment, when we are one with the Universe, when we are in a state of love and peace that we show our true selves to the world. 

Judge not those who wear masks.  We do not know what they are really experiencing.  They may be in severe pain or so unhappy and don’t know how to ask for help or who to turn to.  They may be trapped in abusive relationships or be financially strapped. Just like you may have, they too may have issues of trust or they may not wish to share what they are going through.  

See always the good and beauty of the soul that lies beneath the mask.  For all souls are good, no matter what they have done or said to others.  No soul is essentially evil. They are just on earth to experience what they set out to experience.  Love these souls more than you would ever dream of loving them for it is why we came to Mother Earth to do, to love unconditionally, with compassion and peace.

In love and light,

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