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Saturday 30 April 2011



Laughter is the best medicine...... When we laugh, we lift our soul and raise our vibration and in so doing, bring love and light to the planet. So go out there today and find something hilarious to laugh about and have immense fun doing so. ~ACN

Do you remember when you were a kid?  The days when you found the slightest thing funny, when a sneeze could send you into gales of laughter, when a twirling leaf could make you smile and jump up and down in glee?  Where has the ability to laugh at nothing gone?  Where has the freedom to just be in the moment disappeared to? 

The good news is; “it is within you”.  Throughout our life’s trials and tribulations we lose the ability to find the carefree attitude we have when we are children.  With each life-knock we become more and more closed. We create blocks and slam the door closed on anything that can bring us happiness.   In essence we lose our ability to just be with the moment we are experiencing.  As we fall deeper and deeper into darkness we find it extremely difficult to find the funny in life. 

Try this:  physically put a smile on your face...  turn up the corners of your mouth and pretend to be happy.  This may take some getting used to. Don’t’ give up! Before you know it your smile will light up the world.  Things you found so un-amusing before will now become funny.  Soon you will find joy and laughter in life around you.  Please don’t waste these moments. Savour them. Let your restrained self go and laugh from your belly.  Laugh until your face aches and tears stream from your eyes.  When you do this suddenly it is no longer just your mouth that smiles but your eyes will and your soul will shine through to the world. 

As you find enjoyment and laughter in life, you will raise your vibration and with it you will raise the vibration of Mother Earth.  You will find your world begins to change from one filled with negativity to one full of promise and positivity. 

So, laugh today, and tomorrow and the next day... Laugh until you drop.  Laugh.

In love and light,

Picture courtesy of:

1 comment:

  1. Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert.
