It is only when we find the beauty within ourselves, when we find profound love of self, when we accept the glory of our creation, that we can truly impact the world around us. Within each one of us is the ability to be what we were created to be and in so doing bring peace and love to those around us and thereby change the vibration of Mother Earth. ~ ACN
We are all beautiful! Without a doubt, we are all beautiful! Beauty is not just that of the out appearance but more importantly that which lies within us is beautiful. We were created as beauty. Within the very depths of our souls lies profound beauty.
Yet do we recognise and acknowledge that we are beautiful? Most of us don’t. Just as we criticize the outer, the body, we criticize the inner beauty of our souls. We judge ourselves in saying that we are not clever enough, we are too impatient, we too quick tempered and so on. It never ceases to amaze me that we seldom see the beauty of our souls. No person is inherently bad. Even those who choose to do bad things, such as robbery, murder, hi-jacking and so forth has elements of good and are therefore beautiful within.
Just as a crystal geode leads us to believe that it is merely a plain old stone but once broken open reveals the most spectacular crystals, so it is with our inner beauty.
Within each one of us are qualities of gentleness, kindness, compassion and love. We choose to let it show or we choose to hide it from the world. When we hide the beauty within, we so often do not even recognise that it is there. We do not acknowledge it to ourselves. Our ego self will only acknowledge it if it is said by another. Then we get a quick rush of satisfaction before we allow it to fall from our memory as quickly as a tonne of concrete hitting the ground at a rapid rate. And so the cycle continues; acknowledge it is said, allow it to dissipate and forget that our beauty is.
Once we acknowledge that we have profound beauty within our being, then we can love ourselves. Finding self love is the likely one of the most profound experiences you will have. The realisation of self love is like none other. For when we realise this, we inherently know that we can love others with compassion. We see the beauty of others easily and become fearless in our declaration of it to those around us. In the state of absolute unconditional love of ourselves we bring ourselves to a state of bliss and ultimately freedom.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://www.coolcrystals.co.uk/images/T/ST36.bmp
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