Appreciate every day, every minute, every second of your life lest you do not have it tomorrow. ~ACN
Have you ever heard the expression “stop and smell the roses”? To do this is to stop your day for just a moment and take the time to appreciate what is right there in front of you.
Usually our day just simply flies by. We have no time for the little things in life or the big things that are there for that matter and we either simply do not see them or we see yet take no notice of them. Our excuse; we don’t have time.
Well think of this. In the afterlife nothing is as it is here on Mother Earth. On this plane, we are energy in its dense form. In astral we are energy that vibrates at a much higher level. Even though we have the ability to see the same things as we see here, we are not able to touch, smell or taste them as their energy vibration is far higher. So the enjoyment of appreciating something is astral is far different to here on Mother Earth.
As souls, we line up to incarnate to earth, not only to learn what we have to in the fastest possible time, but to experience life in its dense form. We love the feel of sand running through our fingers, or the smell of roses and other flowers, the roughness of the bark of a tree or the sound of a bumble bee. We love the feel of the sun upon our skin, or the glow of the moon as it shines brightly in the sky at full moon. We love the sound of rain and thunder, or the coolness of water running over our bodies as we stand under a gentle waterfall. Savour the taste of your favourite meal or feel the smoothness on your tongue of your favourite wine. Enjoy the sound of laugher of children playing with abandon or the sounds of the little birds chirping merrily in the trees. There a gazillion sensations that we enjoy so much. Yet how many of us take the time to appreciate all the wonderful things.
Take a chance on you today! Stop! Just for a moment and enjoy what is around you. Celebrate it and give thanks for it. Who knows? You may just enjoy the glory of your Divine’s creation and take with you into your next incarnation that which you found so beautiful.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://icemom.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/The-Soft-Feel-of-Sand-300x199.jpg
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