Most of us have heard the expression “to talk our truth”. It is a time, when we can talk to our friends and our family with honesty, revealing to them our “take” on the issue under discussion. Oft times we do this when in a confrontational circumstance, when we argue or defend ourselves to others. In anger we say things that cannot be unsaid. We say hurtful things for a variety of reasons. What few of us realise, or perhaps on an inner level we do, that words can harm a person irreparably. We can smash someone’s confidence in a moment, or destroy their ability to love themselves. In fact, we can very easily and often do take away every little semblance of worth that a person may have.
Talking our truth is very healthy for us. If we constantly swallow our words, never allowing our own deep inner feelings to surface, we are left with health problems that can become catastrophic. We develop thyroid disease, tumours in the throat area and often cancer in this area, to name but a few. We should never hold back on what is in our hearts for to do so is destructive to the beauty of our souls.
Consciously ensure that you always have balance in talking your truth. To do this means to talk it, yet talk it always with absolute love and compassion. Think carefully before you speak and always consider the feelings of the recipient of them. Consider where they are at in their lives. So often we hear people saying at funerals especially “oh well, he /she lived a good life and they were old or too sick”. We forget that the recipient may be the daughter or son, or perhaps the mother or father and that these words, no matter how true they are cause them greater grief in their time of loss. Or when someone ends a marriage, we often say things like “I told you that you should not have married him / her”. Again this may be our truth yet it becomes extremely hurtful as the person may have great regrets and knows that they may have made a mistake.
Remember always that circumstances dictate the scenario and we should be duty bound to always uplift the other no matter what has happened, no matter how angry we may be in the moment. Speak your truth with honesty and integrity. Be open and positive about it. Be direct and clear in your intention. You don’t have to beat around the bush as this will just amplify the negative and will open the door for the recipient to take offense to your words.
Take a deep breath and stop before you speak, remembering always to speak your truth in and with compassion, love and peace.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://images.hayneedle.com/mgen/digimarc.ms?img=master:HSI105.jpg&h=400&w=400
Lovely words. To offend by outbursts of emotion is unnecessary and so often damages beyond repair. If we could consider the outcome and hold the tounge, take a deep breath, think for a few moments, we can alleviate stress within ourselves. This has to be a conscious moment of choice, and benefits all. Good choices and no regrets. XXXXX Amanda<3