I will be joyous, I will be gracious, I will be loving, I will be kind. I will be peaceful. Yes, today I will be what is within me. ~ACN
To take the decision to be what you intend to be is to be it!. Wow! That sounds big!
If we choose to be in a positive frame of mind, we alone can make that happen. We cannot rely on others to make us joyous, gracious, loving, kind, peaceful, compassionate, happy etc. It is totally our choice to “be” in whichever frame of mind we want to be.
So often we think that others are responsible for making our state of being what it is. We apportion blame to them because we are not happy. It is for us to look within our being and make the decision to be happy. Once the decision has been made then it is our own responsibility to get up and make that happen.
It works just as it would if you had made a decision to go on holiday. You would choose where you want to go, you would plan your trip, you would then budget and pay for your holiday and finally you would get in your car or onto an airplane and go on holiday. It would be ludicrous, I am sure you will agree, to say I want to go on holiday and then allow someone else to do all the leg work in planning, paying and enjoying the holiday when in fact it was your thought to do something for yourself.
Each day as you awake you are able to set your intentions for the day. These may include the physical things you have your do that do. Yet they should also include the state of mind you choose to be in. Have you ever awoken in a bad mood and then seen just how bad your day is? Yet when you awaken in the bad mood, then take the time to say: “Today will be a good day! Everything I do today will be good! I am in a wonderful, happy, peaceful mood!” your day will miraculously turn out to be filled with blessings and at the end of it you look back and acknowledge what a fabulous day it was.
It is all up to you. So choose the day you want!
Every element of positivity is within you whether it is compassion, love, joy, grace, laughter, fun and a million more. Sometimes we choose to ignore that they are there. Sometimes we refuse to let them out to shine their light into the world and sometimes we are in such a dark place we cannot even see them, let alone feel them. Take a stand, put all your feelings of negativity away and allow the positive ones out to play. Do this each day and soon you will find that the negative ones are no more. Watch your life change as you do this as a norm. Celebrate each positive element of yourself and give thanks for it being programmed into your soul.
It’s your choice!
In love and light,
Photo: courtesy of: http://www.xaguk.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/happy-face1.gif
Goddess Amanda I now understand the Bells ringing - are we in tune? - Looks like it. GOOD CHOICES NO REGRETS