True friends are those who can lift you up when you are down, Laugh and dance with you when you are up and kick your butt when you need it most. Friends are those who talk with truth not matter the mood you are in. Validate your friends today and give thanks that that they are in your life. ~ACN
Each one of us has during our life time made friends. Some stay for a very long time and some merely pop into our lives and then leave us. Some are good friends and some not. Some who call themselves friends turn out to be acquaintances. Some are good at being there for us and some stay only when the going is good.
We have all had people like these in our lives. They come to us to teach us or to learn from us. They come to just share with us or they come to carry us in times of need. Oft times they come as Earth Angels.
A true friend is able to accept you for what you are. They will see your heart, your inner being, and they will honour you for it. They place no conditions upon you. A true friend will listen to you, hearing all you have to say. They will spend hours just soaking up your words. They will raucously laugh with you, they will cry with you feeling your pain and carrying you through these times. They will, without complaint, lift you when you are down, cajoling you , and even kicking your butt when it is needed, putting aside their own feelings in these trying times and will never complain for they do so with great love.
Yet a true friend is one who is able to talk their truth to you. At times we are so ensconced in our sorry little worlds that we do not like to hear or even want to hear what is so glaringly obvious to a friend. It takes a great deal of courage and wisdom to know when to talk your truth with a friend. We always stand the risk of being shunned, mocked and discarded when we talk our truth. Yet a friend who really cares for you will stand up and be counted for talking their truth with you. Their love of you is so deep that they will not take into account the consequence to themselves.
Appreciate the friends in your life. Celebrate their presence in your life. Give thanks that they have been Divinely guided to you and be blessed in knowing that they are a part of your soul journey.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://johngloverspeaks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/friend.jpg
I am delighted to be part of your journey Amanda, and my friend I have felt divinely guided towards you, perhaps to learn, although I deeply believe there is more to it than that. I thoroughly enjoy our contact, it's one of the highlights of my day and so very grateful for it. I feel our friendship is based on mutual understanding, truth and sense of humour. I truly loved your last paragraph and intend writing it down in my journal. Don't be surprised if it ends up on my wall together with an appropriate image, it will have to be a special one to accompany such sentiment. Love and Light Always Amanda. Look forward to your new chapters. Carmen XXX