As I accept what I am, as I release what I have done, so then will serenity be mine. ~ACN
We are all complex human beings. We are made up not only of a dense body, but of a multitude of feelings and emotions, beliefs and values. Each experience that we have allows us to learn and grow fulfilling our contract that we made pre-life. We are moulded and shaped by each experience.
We choose to either hold on to the outcome of each experience or we choose to let it go. For example, if we have a bad marriage and divorce, we choose to hold on to the pain of the experiences we had throughout the marriage or we choose to let the pain go. As we release the pain we become very peaceful within our being. We no longer hold grudges and hate toward the person who hurt us.
To be in a state of I AM requires recognition of what you experience as that moment. An example of this is when you are in the state of joy then you recognise this state, (this is joy) accept that you are in a state of joy (I know that this is joy) and “be” with it (experience what it feels like to be in a state of joy) then let it go (give thanks and release the feeling of being in a state of joy). Likewise if you are in a state of pain for example; Recognise (this is pain), accept (I know that this is pain), “be” (live the experience of pain), let it go (give thanks and let the feeling of pain go). Both experiences have shown you how to experience it in the moment, in the “now” and therefore have allowed you to experience I AM. When you worry or are anxious about what may happen in the future be is ten minutes from now or a year from now or when you concern about the outcome, then you cannot be in the moment or the “now”.
Our Creator, our Divine wants nothing more than for you to be loved and be love. When we have no “baggage”, in other words we have released all that binds us to an experience with love, we are free to experience peace. With peace, we can “be” in a state of serenity.
So what is peace? The dictionary describes peace as a state of mental calm and serenity with no anxiety. It is a wonderful state of being. It is one where we can experience an event, process it and ultimate let it go with love and without any turning back to revisit it. All that remains is the growth we have achieved from the experience and ultimately the state of serenity.
Each step that you take in this direction brings you closer to your Divine. You reach a state of Oneness with your Divine. You realise that just as you are, so you are meant to be. You realise that just as others are they are as they are meant to be. You realise that you and others are the same and that you are one, of one and are therefore of the same as your Creator, your Divine. You realise that you are your Divine and your Divine is you. You realise I AM.
Realisation of I AM equals peace and serenity.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/walterq/walterq0903/walterq090300015/4509568-a-waterfall-and-pond-in-a-green-forest.jpg
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