When the time comes for those we love to leave us, look up and let the wings of Angels enfold you, allow them to lift you and carry you whilst they comfort you. ~ACN
We all go through times when we lose loved ones. Whether we lose them to death or whether they are leaving our lives because we no longer serve them or they no longer serve us, we still experience feelings of loss and grief.
So what is grief? The dictionary describes grief as being a time of great sadness and profound sorrow. It is a time when we realize that whoever we are grieving will no longer be a part of our life and that only the memory of that person will remain. We experience regrets of what we should have done or said and we often sink into a place of darkness where depression becomes our all.
Yet grief is good. It is a time when you may reflect on your lives together. It is also a time of memories, both good and not so good. It is a time of healing. Allow yourself to be with whatever emotion you may be experiencing, working through it, giving thanks for it and then letting it go. You will be wise to reflect on what you have learned in the relationship. Reflect on how it served you and how you served the one who is now gone. It is a time when we are able to honor the memory of those that are lost. Please do not take up the whip and beat yourself up for what could or should have been for this will not serve you. It will only take you deeper into depression. Accept the relationship for what it was and give thanks for it. Do all of this with great compassion and love for both the one who has left and yourself.
If your loved one has left to cross into the light, then give thanks for their earthly journey that is now complete and celebrate the continuance of their soul journey, releasing them to continue their growth as a soul. If you have lost a loved one who has just left your life, look upon them with love and kindness and release them to continue their journey upon Mother Earth, giving thanks that they formed a part of your own growth.
Never feel alone during these times. You are always surrounded by the Celestial Realm. Sometimes we are aware of them and others not. Yet they are always there, gently enfolding you in their wings and carrying you on the days when life seems to great to bare. They will send others into your life that will cheer you, commiserate with you or just “be” with you. Always leave the door open for these amazing Earth Angels for they are a gift from your Divine.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRaI3ZuisOganM4G4c0Y0SyVZRIYjrXI7Bp8NwvEtSbjn8Abc-8
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