Each day, as you open your eyes, reflect on the soul you are. Celebrate its greatness for the answers you seek are hidden deep within. ~ACN
Ahh, the soul! What exactly is a soul? The dictionary describes the soul as the complex of human attributes that manifests as consciousness, thought, feeling and will and is regarded as distinct from the physical body. Shew... this sounds like a mouth full doesn’t it.
In the last 100 years there have been numerous scientific findings that the soul exists within the body as tangible matter. There is a great deal of debate on whether it is housed in the brain, heart or another part of the body. Research has not yet been able to determine its exact location within the body; however, it has been established by weight measurement studies conducted during and after expiration of the body that the body mass changes as a result of inexplicable loss of matter.
For the purpose of this post, let us focus on the metaphysical manifestation of the soul. The soul is what you are. It is the essence of your being. The soul is what your persona is. It is how you think, your attitude to life, your inner love, your actions, emotions, your memories and so much more. It is surely a greatly complex thing. Ethereally, your soul is connected to your body with an etheric cord. During periods of Astral Travel, our souls are able to leave the body yet stay attached to it via this cord. Imagine an umbilical cord. It is sort of like this and is said to be a silvery colour with great elasticity allowing it to stretch to the heavens for our journeys thereto. As we approach our physical death, the death of the body, the cord becomes shrivelled and brittle allowing the soul to sever completely, consequently allowing the soul to return to Universe to continue its journey in the after-life.
With each experience we have on this earthly plane we learn and grow as a soul. We chart our own experiences before we incarnate and store that which we have learned within our soul for use in future life-times and ultimately to be used when we manifest to guiding other, younger souls on their journeys. During your current incarnation you are fully able to access all these memories if you so choose and can do so at will. All it requires is dedicated meditative practice to do this.
Each experience you have forms the complexity of your soul. As the brain is said to be the world’s greatest computer, so too is your soul for it is far more complex than the brain even. It is you. Just as you are today and will be tomorrow it is your being. It is a Divine creation and is pure Divine Love.
Take a moment then to celebrate your soul, its wisdom and its love, giving thanks to your Divine for its creation.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://www.setamark.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/living_soul.jpg
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