Each day we have a choice to be what we chose to be. We can choose to be in a state of despair and darkness or we can choose to lighten our energy and be free. In times of darkness, when you feel so alone visualise things that bring you to a place light and happiness. No one can make you happy. People, circumstance and things can enhance your happiness but ultimately it is your choice to allow these to affect you in positive or negative way.
It is perfectly okay to have down days for it is our soul’s way of letting you know that something is not right with your life. Depression is like a barometer of our how our life is going. However, give yourself a time limit to be in this space. Do not allow it to consume. The longer you stay in the depths of depression, the more difficult it will be to lift yourself out of it and eventually it will become a comfortable space, a safe space, as you will not have to step up and take responsibility for changing. Listen to these times and take action upon them.
Having said this, when we are totally in acceptance of ourselves, when we love ourselves unconditionally, when we have learned how to forgive ourselves and be at one with what is happening in our lives, then we arrive at a place of inner peace.
When you are in this place of peace you will find freedom within your soul. You no longer concern yourself of others thoughts of you. You are able to be whatever it is you choose to be. Be a little crazy today, jump up and down in glee, laugh with abandon, run outside and wave your arms about and twirl in the morning sun. Or go to a shopping mall and tell a stranger sometime nice about themselves. Do whatever it is that makes you feel good and raises your vibration. As you do this, you will bring joy to others and will raise their vibration and in so doing raise the vibration of the world.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://blog.oopsiedaisy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Tea-collection-purple-twirling-dress.jpg
I'm thinking, I do enjoy giving the girl behind the counter a compliment whether its about her Jewellry, hair style etc. I feel her mood change and my spirit also joins in. We do have choices and I choose the happy path. It's not hard and my reward is ten fold. So easy, relaxed and carefree. I do have down times who doesn't but I, like you Amanda, choose freedom. Talk to others and listen, remember people's names, faces, it makes a difference. You will be surprised they in turn will keep you in their memory and each meeting will be a joyous event, maybe a cuddle thrown in for good measure. Keep up the good work Amanda I look forward to your thoughts. It would be lovely to have them written down and kept by my bed to reflect on. One day.......Love Carmen XXXXX
ReplyDeleteWhenever I think of feel anything unplesent I do some muscule testing to confrim that it's really mine. I've actaully been finding that most of it orginiated with other memebers of my family and I haven't had anything stick around after I identified it as belonging to someone else. As a rule if I'm going to take the time to wallow in an emotion it's going to be my own and since I started setting that boundry my family hasn't been happy about it (the same people who's emotions I've been feeling) but I on the other hand am alot happier because I'm not still carrying around other peoples burdens on top of my own.