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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The Diamond within You

We are created to be as beautiful as a well polished diamond is.  Celebrate the diamond that is within your being. ~ ACN

Each one of us is different.  Some of us all tall, some short, some, large, some small. As with the physical each of us has different personalities. Some are loving, some angry, some happy, some sad and so on. 

 So often we find that we criticize people that we meet, giving them labels which are often nasty and uncalled for.  Yet, we need to realize that what others label us as is what we project to the world at large. 

Within us, deep in our inner being, lies a truly wonderful awesome soul.  Take the time today to really look at those you meet. Look past the mask they may wear, look past the body that you see to the beautiful being inside.  The body is only the vehicle which carries our souls.    When one sees a body that is crippled and crumpled look beyond it and value the importance of what that person is.  Most people who have such bodies are wonderful teachers.  They teach us acceptance and they teach us exactly how to be in the “now”. Others that are disabled from car accidents, the effects of war or who are born that way may teach us to treasure the very bodies that we do have. Those who may have great physical beauty may be here to teach us about self-centeredness.

Beauty is not what the body is. Beauty is what the soul is.  When the soul is beautiful, one looks past the outer and sees only what is within. 

As each diamond is unique so is each soul.  We are blessed to have our own gifts, be they teaching, healing, making others laugh, and loving and so on.  Celebrate all that you see in others, acknowledging their purpose on Mother Earth and giving thanks that each facet that makes up a person is a celebration of the creation of our Divine. 

Look also to the beauty within your own being and know that you too are unique and are worthy and deserving of all that is good. Know that you are loved and are love.

In love and light,


  1. I believe ones energy is where it's at, not appearances of any sort

  2. Absolutely Anonymous. Whether we call it our energy or our soul it is the same. Beauty is not what the appearance is. It is what is within. Let your inner beauty shine.

    Thank you for your comment. It is much appreciated.

    In Love and Light, Amanda
