Your intuition is the greatest compass that you possess. It is the barometer of your soul. It will never lead you down a road that you are not meant to walk. Quieten your mind and listen to your intuition then follow with faith where it will lead you. ~ ACN
We often hear talk of our intuition or our gut and are told repeatedly to follow it. The definition of intuition is to instinctively be in the state of awareness or knowing. Sounds quite complicated doesn’t it? Yet it really is quite simple.
Your intuition or gut feeling is the greatest compass that you will ever possess. It will give you guidance, even without your even asking for it. It will lead you to places you should go to, it will alert you of potential harmful situations and in so doing protect you. It shows you who are good people to have in your space and who aren’t. It warns you of dangers. It tells you when prospective good is coming. You have only to be still and listen and you will feel its guidance.
We have all had that tightening feeling in our solar plexus or stomach. Yet how often do we actually take note of it? We often ignore this wonderful inbuilt tool given us by our Divine. We imagine that we cannot possibly feel what is been given to us. And worst of all, we desperately try to control it.
We question it continually never fully believing that it is one of the greatest gifts we can have.
Try this exercise. The next time you are out and about, sit quietly in your car for a few minutes. Ask that you be given direction on the route to drive to your destination. Now be still and allow your body to answer you. You will have a feeling in your stomach or solar plexus and may even hear or receive a thought. Follow it implicitly believing, and having faith that it will be the right route for you to take. On arriving at your destination, listen to those around you who may have travelled from the same area and hear what delays, accidents, congestion etc surrounded their chosen route. You may be pleasantly surprised to hear that you have avoided all them.
This exercise can be practiced every day and as you become accustomed to using it, you will find that you receive deeper and greater guidance.
When we fail to follow our intuition we find that we lead ourselves to places we should not be. We land up missing opportunities that may forever change our lives for the better. Your higher self, your soul, knows exactly what you need. Pay heed to them, don’t ignore it and please do not control it. Simply surrender! Have faith! Know that where it leads you is where you need to be.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://matthewtavares1.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/fork-in-the-road1.jpg
I am a true believer in 'going with my gut' and the travel advise, follow it, it so does work!