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Thursday 19 May 2011

Beauty in Others

I will find the beauty within each person I meet today. I will celebrate all that they bring and all that they teach me. I am honoured to encounter them. ~ACN

I love this word; beauty. Beauty is the combination of qualities that make something or someone pleasing to look at, to listen to, to touch, and to smell or to taste.

We so often forget to look deeper when looking at a person yet we are able to do so quite easily with nature. We look at a flower for example, and see it not only for its beautiful form and colour, but can admire and appreciate the beautiful smell it emits or we can touch it and feel the wonderful texture of its petals. In all, we find the whole object beautiful.

Yet, when encountering another human, we compartmentalise them. We see either the outer beauty of the body, or we see their happy disposition and find this beautiful, or their loving smile and label that as beautiful. We very seldom look beyond the obvious to what lies within. Every aspect of a person is as important as the next and all is beautiful in its own way, some more so than others, yet they are all beautiful. Some aspects are striking, some lovely, some charming, some magnificent or delightful. The collectiveness of all these are what makes up the whole of beauty.

Just as multifaceted diamonds are made up of sparkly little facets, each of which is a different shape and size, so are we too. We have parts of ourselves that is more beautiful than others yet collectively we make up the sum total of beauty.

No person is innately bad. Each one of us has the propensity of beauty within ourselves for our soul is of Divine Love and from our Love comes our beauty. From the top of our crown to the tips of our toes, to the very depths of our soul, we are beauty. Our souls touch each other when we meet and as we do so, we give our beauty to each other. It is only for us to recognise this and celebrate it, giving thanks that they touched our lives in some way.

Yes, today, I will honour each one who touches me and be honoured that they have done so.

In love and light,


Photo courtesy of:


  1. Today has been glorious and reading these words confirms that alls right with my world and the people in it. Not a lot of negativity and if I did strike a little, well so be it. We all choose a path and if there are a few weeds and stones in the way these are not so insurmountable. I collect stones of all shapes and sizes, colours, and have you taken the time to really look at the weeds when they flower. Beauty is in every thing, you just need to stop and see the wonder all around you, don't dismiss too quickly or you just miss out on something or someone marvellous. Love and Light Amanda. Carmen

  2. Thank you so much Carmen. I totally agree that beauty is all around us. It is in each and every creation and life-form on Mother Earth. We have only to open ourselves to the beauty that surrounds us. Remember that a little bit of negativity is good for us for it is from this that we learn some very valuable lessons. And that is exactly why we incarnate to Mother Earth, to learn. Each day for me is an education. I am so blessed to be here at this time.

    In love and light,
