From deep within shall I find the courage, the wisdom, the grace to be what I was meant to be in this lifetime on Mother Earth. ~ACN
All of us arrive on Mother Earth to experience certain life lessons which will lead us to a result. These are the lessons you have incarnated to learn. We come with a purpose in mind. Yet when we birth, the veil is drawn closed and we forget what we have come for. Yet these remain ingrained upon our soul, blue printed there so to speak, and waiting for us to access when we are ready.
Some of us can go through life quite breezily; others may have incredibly difficult lessons in store. When this happens we require great courage and wisdom to experience the lesson. At all times though, easy or difficult it may seem, the need to be graceful is paramount. It is not for us to brag about our lives, be they good or difficult. It is for us to be gracious at all times and act in a compassionate, loving and peaceful manner.
In order to attain this state of being, reach deep within yourself, right down to the depths of your soul, withdrawing from it the courage, wisdom and grace to “BE” what you came to Mother Earth to be. Know at all times that you are loved and are Love for aside for any other purpose that you came to achieve, is to be in a state of absolute unconditional love both of self and for others.
In love and light,
Some of us can go through life quite breezily; others may have incredibly difficult lessons in store. When this happens we require great courage and wisdom to experience the lesson. At all times though, easy or difficult it may seem, the need to be graceful is paramount. It is not for us to brag about our lives, be they good or difficult. It is for us to be gracious at all times and act in a compassionate, loving and peaceful manner.
In order to attain this state of being, reach deep within yourself, right down to the depths of your soul, withdrawing from it the courage, wisdom and grace to “BE” what you came to Mother Earth to be. Know at all times that you are loved and are Love for aside for any other purpose that you came to achieve, is to be in a state of absolute unconditional love both of self and for others.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of : http://www.saversplanet.com/wallpapers/table-mountain-wallpapers_3823_1600.jpg
Lenard I hope you enjoy reading this.