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Thursday 28 April 2011

Dig Deep

The power to be in whichever state we choose to be in is deep within our inner being. So, dig deep and "BE" ~ACN

When we go through the birthing process, we close the veil of memory of pre-life.  We lose sight of our contracts, who will support us in various rolls and what our purpose is.  As we go through life, learning each day, we sometimes get to a state of deep despair. When in this dark place we forget or fail to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  We become internally focused to such a degree that we are unable to see the signs that the Universe gives us.  We miss opportunities; we lose sight of our friends and family. 

Center yourself in deep meditation and ask, with reverence and intention, that you higher self reveal the solutions.  Ask that you, a child of your all loving Divine, be guided to reach your potential, that your purpose on Mother Earth in this lifetime be revealed.   Know that within you is such greatness, compassion and love.  You are able to reach this state of being.  Diligently work with what you are shown, taking action and delaying none.  You cannot expect the Universe to bring that to you for which you have asked if you do not take action on that which you have been guided to.

Through all of this, you will reach a state of “being”, a place where you can be at peace with yourself, and a place where you can sit in stillness and listen to the voice of your Divine.  It remains your choice to be in this state.  Go forth then and “BE”.

In love and light,

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