Each day is a new canvas to paint upon. Make sure your picture is full of life and happiness, and at the end of the day you don't look at it and wish you had painted something different. ~ACN
Each morning as you arise and start your day, set your intention for the day. You can choose to be miserable or you can choose to be awesome. Likewise you can choose to have your day crash around you, or you can choose to have everything go right for you.
As the artist selects the colours he will use in his artwork, choose yours...Paint your day the way you want it to be. Choose your shapes, your lines or boundaries, your friends, your attitude and your state of mind.
Make you day as exciting as you want, make it special and filled with opportunities. Make your choice one of compassion, love and peace.
In love and light
Picture courtesy of: Picture from : http://www.adatetopaint.com/artist-palette_w_brush.jpg.filosof
The Palette was the drawcard. I choose to paint my days with a brush dipped in love. With love I can paint my canvas (my day) anyway I choose, on cloudy days I can paint my day with sunshine it is my choice. Happy days I paint with sunshine colours of warmth, reds and golds, with a smile. If calm is needed then beautiful blues and greens will paint a situation with calm. To unify my day and feelings my colours would be natures earth, browns, beige, ivory black and white. We are all Artists whether in the field of Writing, Film, Dance or Song. We all have the ability to use the power of choice and exercise our different gifts. Paint your day with Love and light. Carmen <3