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Thursday 28 April 2011


Close your eyes. Envision. Walk to the cliff. Jump and FLY................ OH YEAH! ~ACN

We are so entangled in the fears that control our lives, often to our own detriment. We listen to the voices of others who instil within ourselves doubt, disbelief, unworthiness and so much more. It is not for us to take on the fears of others. Close your ears to this malicious mongering and believe only in yourself and your Divine. Your greatness lies within your being.

Have faith that your greatness is there. Have faith that you can access this at any time you choose. Believe that you are capable of this greatness at all times. Choose to close your eyes, visualize the cliff, jump off it and fly. Allow the wings of the Celestial Realm carry you to heights unknown. For when you are able to do this, you will attain a freedom that is indescribable and to which none other can compare in this life time on Mother Earth.

In love an
d light,

Picture courtesy of:

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