Never wait for that last judgment. It comes minute by minute. Rise up and above it for it is naught but thoughts of another mind. ~ACN
When others stand in judgement of you, stand tall and be still. Do not fear this judgment. You know within your being the circumstances surrounding you, those that have moulded you to be what you are. Through each experience that you have you will grow and learn that which you have come to Mother Earth to learn. Each decision or choice you make in your journey will mould you into what you are today. Let your beliefs stand true, whether they are positive or negative ones. Stand up and be counted for them. Be true to your convictions. The often narrow minded belief of those who judge is not of your concern. The truth of who you are is of importance here, not the words of others.
As this is for you, so it should be for your judgement on others. You know not what occupies their mind or state of being. Each one of us is unique and on our own journey to discovery of self. Therefore, stand quietly and rise above the temptation to judge another.
Remember always that when you point your finger in judgement of another, three point back to you. Therefore be always compassionate, be in a state of unconditional love and peace. In this state of three, compassion, love and peace, judgement cannot be. All that remains then is acceptance of those you would or might have judged. ~ACN
In love and light.
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