When I release that which weighs me down and holds me back then, and only then, can I be what God intended me to be in this lifetime. ~ACN
Each one of us experience emotional pain of some sort in our lives. We fall in love, we enter partnerships and often these fall apart and we are left holding mountains of emotional pain. We lose people, sometimes to divorce, sometimes just because they are moving on, sometimes because we no longer serve them or they us, and sometimes to death. We experience tragedy, loneliness, bullying, and violation of our bodies and so on. From this we create anger and bitterness that hardens your heart.
We can either choose to hold onto these experiences or we can choose to let them go. To reach a state of bliss, we must allow all painful and negative experiences to fall from us, allowing the Universe to take care of them. Your Divine wants only two things for you; to be in a state of all consuming unconditional love and for you to be happy. We cannot achieve these if we carry all those painful negative experiences with us.
Visualise yourself holding a pink balloon. Now fill it with all these hurtful experiences and fill the balloon with helium. Now let it go and watch it float gently into the sky, higher, higher and higher still until you are unable to see it any longer. Take a deep breath and feel the love of your Divine fill those empty places where the hurt and anger resided. Give thanks for the blessed release and know that you are loved and are love. ~ ACN
Photo from: /nwamotherlode.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/pink-balloons.jpg
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