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Thursday 28 April 2011

The Dawning of a New Day

It's a new dawn, it’s a new day. Embrace the joys that summer brings and enjoy all that life gives to you today. ~ACN

Each day as the dawn arises, the sun peeping up over the horizon, breathe in the air of Mother Earth feeling each fresh particle enter your lungs, allowing them to expand with clean pure oxygen. As you do this, know that this is a new day bringing with it all sorts of opportunities and joys. Make a conscious decision that today will be a wonderful one filled with lots of little delicacies that will enhance your life.

Likewise, when the time arises in your life, when problems and issues engulf you, look toward the start of each day with eager joy, knowing that with its arrival, a whole bunch of new opportunities await you. Leave behind all negativity, letting it go completely and with intention face the world with love and peace.

Experience each little thing that you see, hear and feel with the eagerness of a child on Christmas morning, feeling anticipation of the good things to come deep within your gut. Appreciate each little event, such as the sound of the birds, the buzz of the bumble bee, the smell of the flower in the garden, the laughter of little children,  or the gentle touch of an Angels wing against your skin, experiencing it wholly, savoring it, embracing it and enjoying it. Give thanks for it's presence in your life.

Watch then and see how great your day will be.

In love and light,

Photo courtsey of:

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