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Friday 29 April 2011



Open your heart each moment of the day and allow the greatness of the Universe to flow in and in so doing receive all that you are meant to receive in this lifetime on Mother Earth. ~ACN

Today, allow yourself to receive all that the Universe has to offer you.  You are deserving of all that is good and are so worthy of it.  So often we are our own worst enemy.  We create blockages to that which is good and positive mainly because we fear goodness for ourselves.  We believe that we do not deserve any goodness, or we may believe that because of wrongs of the past we may not allow ourselves to receive it.  We carry our past upon our backs in a rucksack that is so heavy and which weighs us down. 

Stop! Set down your rucksack.  There is no need for you to trudge through life carrying all these life burdens. Empty it out and allow the Universe to take care of it for you. Look into the mirror and see the greatness within yourself. See that you are worthy and deserving of the absolute best that the Universe can give you.  You are a child of your loving Creator, your Divine.  He knows your worth.  He believes in you. He is an all giving God and is willing to give you all that you ask for.  Let go of your fears and open your heart as you open your arms and allow the goodness to flow in.

In the process “be” the person that you are meant to be.  Celebrate all that flows to you in abundance. Know that you are greatness itself. Know that you are loved and are love.

In love and light,

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