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Thursday 28 April 2011

Money, Money, Money


Money can buy you lots of things but it cannot bring you clarity of mind, it cannot give you peace within your heart and cannot make your soul fly. Only your Divine God can do this for you. ~ACN

When we have a constant need or thirst for money, we chase the ever elusive rainbow. We are usually at this time of our lives, so driven by outside influences which never seem to satisfy the never ending thirst for them. We run from shop to shop, buying the “bling” that we believe will stop the craving. Yet, the satisfaction lasts only but a little while and once again we dash off chasing the after that which does not quench our thirst.

When you become comfortable with your own soul, when you accept who you are for what you are, when you love you , the most amazing and incredible person that you are, when you feel comfortable within your own skin, then and only then, does this insane desire for material objects dissipate into the universe. When you are in this state, you do not require any of those petty material things . Brands become inconsequential, you buy what you want because you like it, not because it has a name attached to it. You no longer have the need to shop until you drop. You no longer have the need to impress others with your material wealth. In fact, you generally take the attitude of “who cares” . The only criticism that is important to you is from yourself. Learn to love yourself. Learn to appreciate you for what and whom you are. Be gracious to yourself. Be YOU! In this state of Diving “Being” you will achieve clarity of mind, you will achieve a state of pure self love and peace and with this you will have the freedom to truly fly. ~ACN

In love and light.
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