Trying is good.... it is when we don't that we have a problem. To sit back and do nothing is to think that we are above guidance. ~ ACN
I have often been known to say that there is no such thing as “try”. We either do it or we don’t. Just try and make something move on a table. Hardly possible for the man in the street that is not privy to the knowledge of people such as Houdini, is it?
Yet when we make no attempt to do anything in a problematic situation it is hardly the way to go. Of course, we can choose to do nothing. If this is the case the problem will simply stay as is or may even escalate, yet a problem it will still be.
The point in question here is to do or not to do.
When we fail to take action, not only does the status quo remain, but we belittle ourselves by not recognising that we have the courage and tenacity to tackle something. We create images in our minds that lead us to believe that we are not good enough, not strong enough or not wise enough to resolve the issue at hand. We create a deeper and uglier situation by allowing the problem to fester and grow. Who among you would honestly stand back and allow a cancer to grow, knowing that it could be stopped by means of treatment, be it chemotherapy, alternative healing or surgery? Hardly one amongst us would stand by allowing what could be fixed to grow and in so doing shorten our own lives. When the time comes to fight for your life, we all make an effort of some sort or another. Even those who eventually choose death have previously attempted some kind of treatment or another. Doing nothing is just like not having attempted any treatment at all. Not taking action is letting the cancer grow!
Now on the other hand, when we jump up and take action, no matter how small it may be, we are serving ourselves in allowing the greatness of our beings to come to the fore and often surprise ourselves with our courage, strength, perseverance and ability to slowly but surely fix that which is not working in our lives. Often, just by taking action, we are able to resolve a problem immediately. At other times, we have to slowly chip away at the problem allowing it to resolve bit by tiny bit. The point is, you are taking action and that in itself is a good thing. When the problem or issue is resolved, give yourself credit, a good pat on the back, and acknowledge what you have achieved and what you have learned from the experience. Acknowledge the strength that it took, the wisdom you gained, the courage or tenacity you have within you. Give thanks for all that you are and will be from the experience.
When we complacently deny ourselves the opportunity for growth we allow our ego to rush to the fore, as if it were an Olympic athlete in a 100 meter dash, and by doing that we put ourselves above the need for guidance, learning and growth. Every single one of us has incarnated to Mother Earth to learn at a rapid rate. If we wanted to take centuries to achieve growth, we would have incarnated to another plane. So to deny ourselves growth through learning is to defy our choice of Mother Earth as a learning ground and by doing that we judge and defy the choices we made pre-life. What an injustice to your soul. You so deserve to experience each lesson fully and to achieve the soul growth you so planned.
Take action today. Honour your soul by taking action and allowing it to grow.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://hssn-media.advance.net/MLive.com/news/d345c96459a81ff8abc07d8b049ba65b/johnbos100-01.jpg
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