Let not anger and hate fill your heart. Instead let go of the circumstance that so created it and release it into the Universe for there it will be dissipated. Fill instead your heart with compassion, kindness, caring, love and peace. ~ACN
Just today, I learned a very valuable lesson in my life. I learned that to hold anger and hate is not the way to live our lives. Not only did I hold on to anger and battle to let it go but a dear friend taught me that this is not something that we should do.
Anger and hate cause destruction of people and situations. It festers within our being becoming cancers to our souls. It destroys every semblance of good within our beings. It harms, more than anyone else involved in the situation, your own being. It causes us be what we are not born to be. We were created in love by our Divine. Our prime soul purpose is to live in a state of all consuming, unconditional, absolute Divine Love. When we lose sight of our purpose, we allow negative emotions to surface and once they are “let out of their box” they intensify, destroying all in their way. We destroy relationships, we impact dramatically on the lives of others and we often can destroy another person when we act in anger and hate.
Anger and hate make us say things that should be left unsaid, and are usually not meant. It is expressly sad that when this happens we are unable to retract our words but are left instead to face the consequence of their emergence from our beings. Yet in this we should stop and take note of what we are learning. Ask yourself, does the anger and hate serve you. Ask yourself if it has taught you anything. Ask yourself, if you are actually hurting yourself in the process of living in anger and hate.
On reflection of this negative behaviour you will find that it has served no one least of all yourself. It serves only to bring you into a state of regret, self-loathing and bitterness. It prevents you from living in the “now” especially when you hang on to it, stowing it instead in your rucksack to be carried around with you, burdening you and weighing you down until you let go of it and in so doing allowing it to be dissipated into the Universe.
Anger and hate are motivated by one thing only. Fear! When we consistently refuse to face fear, staring it down and dealing with the cause of it, we live in a state of self-destruction. No one wishes this intentionally for themselves, yet we so often find that we self-sabotage our lives by living in a state of fear.
There are many ways to let go of anger and hate. Breathe long gentle breaths until you calm your being. Write your anger out, venting until it is done and then burning what you have written and throwing the ashes onto the soil in your garden, hugging a tree, beating tyres, meditating to name but a few. The point is to immediately release it without causing destruction to another. Then forgive yourself for being in a state of anger and hate. Forgive the circumstance and all parties involved in the situation. Ask that all parties involved be blessed in love and light.
Do yourself a favour today; let go of all anger, hate, bitterness and fear. You will, within yourself, feel lighter and less burdened. You will be in a state of freedom and peace. Love not just yourself, but all within your surrounds and be what you were intended to be in this lifetime on Mother Earth. Be the amazing loving soul that you incarnated to be. Be kindness and caring. Be compassion, love and peace.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://anger-issues.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/anger.jpg
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited
Amen siSTAR Amen to that.
ReplyDeleteI am proud of you.
D xox
Thank you Diana. This was a huge lesson to me personally and I hope that it will serve others too as they read it. In love and light. Amanda