We are never given more than we are able to carry. Each problem or issue that you carry is yours only to carry. Be blessed in the knowledge that you are able to find solutions to what you carry. ~ ACN
A man was plagued by the problems of his life. He was very down and felt that the world lay upon his shoulders. He went to his spiritual teacher and lamented all his woes to him. The teacher said nothing except to invite him to go with him for a drive.
They drove to the nearest post office. In front of it was line upon line of post boxes. The teacher reached into his pocket and withdrew a golden key. Handing it to the man, he invited him to exchange all his problems by placing them in any post box he chose.
The man thought very carefully about this proposition. He thought hard about the problems that he had. It would be so good to exchange them. He would be free of his burdens.
The teacher seeing his thoughts cross his face, gently explained to him that should he choose to exchange his problems that he should remember that the box he chose may have greater problems or it could have less problems than those he carried.
The man contemplated for a while longer. He knew that he would be taking a huge risk should he exchange is problems.
He thought about others that he knew who had problems greater than his own. What if he exchanged for this? He knew that he would not be able to handle more problems than he had at the present time.
The man realised that he would not exchange what he already carried. He realised at this time that he was only given that which he could handle. And so he returned the golden key to the teacher knowing that he would find a way to change his situation.
Reflect on this; we are never given a load greater than we are able to carry. Our Divine knows exactly what we are able to deal with. He knows that each time we become overloaded with burdens, should we simply face toward Him, raising our prayers to the Heavens, and we will be guided to finding a solution and in so doing will be able to dispose of the problem knowing that we have learned from it and hence will emerge from it a wiser soul.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000wSRhSTcVTfw/s/850/0018-Massagno-Priest-Post-1999.jpg
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
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