To listen and to "hear" show true compassion and love in the listener. ~ ACN
There is a vast difference between listening and hearing. When we listen we simple let the words of another flow over us and often miss so much of what is been said. Yet when we hear, we take into account all that is been said and can compassionately comprehend what is being said.
We all live busy lives, some of us filling them to the brim. We rush around and seldom take into account what we someone is attempting to say. Others may talk with actions, some with expressions and some in silence. Yet their actions speak volumes and if we open our ability to hear we can positively affect the life of the speaker.
A person of great compassion is able to differentiate between these two little words. With compassion and love, we can support where support is needed and contribute to the life of another. Just by hearing the voice of another, be it in the spoken word, an expression, an action or the silent plea of we can positively impact their lives.
We often find that we tend to overlook the voices of children. We come home from work after a busy day and get to the business of cooking dinner, cleaning and tidying up. Our children, excited about their day at school, chatter away and in our busy state we simply respond with the appropriate yes, no, perhaps, maybe responses. Should we take the time to sit down and actually hear our children we can discover exactly how they feel. We are then able to guide them in an appropriate way and can pre-empt any problem from going further just as we can lift them building their self esteem. They offer us great wisdom in what they tell us and can teach us immeasurably.
It does not matter whether we are conversing with our friends, our colleagues, children, parents or strangers should we take the time to actually hear what they say we will be in a position to support them in their journey and can participate in as well as enjoy watching their growth.
There is no other feeling so great than in giving to another. We experience a real feel good feeling that is cosy and warm. Hearing others is just like this. It does not mean that you have to take on the problems and issue of another. It simply means that you are able to support them as needed.
Be gracious and kind to yourself, recognising that you are filled with compassion and love as you hear when conversing with those you encounter and be blessed as you experience the gift of hearing others.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQdrs_FemFe_wuUOCheBlqeSYhesZ2HPw1hE20_1gGlmrwK6WBP
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