Chaos in the mind is as clutter in your home. Clear the clutter and chaos and allow new ideas, visions and realties to manifest. ~ACN
In times of adversity, when life becomes tough and throws so many stumbling blocks in your path, we tend to clutter our minds with useless and inconsequential thoughts. We become wrapped up in our grief, our pain and our loss. We close our minds to opportunities and blessings that may come out of this adversity and see only the darkness of it. We often finger point at others, laying the blame on all and sundry for what is happening to us.
Just as we clutter our homes, collecting all sorts of riff raff, little ornaments, or mementos of what has been in the past, so we do this in our minds. We hold on for grim death to our homes, for example, believing them to be the beginning and ends of our worlds. We forget that a home is where the heart is. It is certainly not always the house or apartment you currently live in. Homes can be anywhere where you find love and tranquility. Just because you have spent thousands of dollars purchasing the house in which you currently stay does not make it home. Having said this, if this is the place where you find peace and love, then certainly, it is your home.
Yet when the time comes that you no longer have this, take heart and know that you are able to let it go. You are able to de clutter your mind, your belief that this is your home. You are more than capable in doing the “letting go” thing with anything you need to let go of in your life.
When we clutter our minds, we prevent newness arriving in our lives. Because we live in a state of fear of losing what we have or possess, we basically slam the door shut to anything new and exciting that may present to us. We fail to be creative and block ideas and visions of what is most likely a better way for us. We kind of get “writers block”. All authors know just how fatal this can be and most do their utmost to overcome this state of mind for when they do, their creativity returns and they are once again able to conjure up the most fantastic tales which so delight their readers.
So how do we clear the clutter? Unfortunately it is not as simply as clearing the clutter from our homes. Yet it is not an insurmountable task or process.
Take a few minutes to meditate. This will bring you to a calm state.
Take a deep breath and in this calm state, jot down what the actual adversity is. Claim responsibility for the problem and your role in creating it. Please do not beat yourself up by blaming yourself. The incident has occurred. It is now passed and cannot be undone. It can however be remedied.
Now in the same state of calm, write down whatever options you have open to you at that point in time. You may find that you need to do additional research for some of your potential solutions. In doing this, even more opportunities for solutions may present themselves to you. Jot these down on your list too.
If you become emotional during this process, allow the tears to flow, for they are a cleansing of your soul. Step back from your list for a while whilst you shed your tears. Allow the anger and hurt, the bitterness and the pain, the grief and sense of loss to be cleansed from you releasing them into the Universe to be dissipated by Universe.
Then once in a state of calm, constructively draw up a final list of actions you can take to correct what the problem is or what actions you can take to dispose of the problem completely. Should you require support from loved ones or institutions please ask for it. Do not fear recriminations either by self or others. This is simply destructive behaviour and will not serve you. When you approach a problem logically and with faith and love, you will find that others do not judge you, instead they will willingly step forward to support you as needed.
Now! Take Action!. As you do this you will find yourself becoming lighter as the burden of the adversity is lifted from your shoulders. Remember, that even if you are taking itsy bitsy tiny steps, you are taking action to solve your problem. No one expects you to run the mile in a minute. Sometimes we can fix a problem by taking one giant step but more often than not, we take these tiny baby steps. Steadfastly stick to your plan. Pretty soon you will find that your problem is entirely resolved. Now let the whole experience go.
The most important part of this whole exercise is to stand back after and ask what you have learned from this experience. Have you grown from the experience? Have you emerged from it a wise, stronger soul? Most certainly, you will find the answer to these questions is yes. Recognise this and be in gratitude for what you have learned and become from the experience.
May you be blessed as you journey your way through de-cluttering your mind and may you find peace within your being as you emerge from it; a lighter, wiser and stronger soul.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://ih0.redbubble.net/work.6977508.1.flat,135x135,075,t.jpg
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
well done dear Amanda, so it is.
ReplyDeleteOne step and one heart at the time.
In love, light and lightness
D xox
Amanda my husband and I are considering the whole downsizing of assets from home to possessions and you pinpoint the matter so well, gives me the courage to continue one small step at a time. It seems so huge a task but it can be done. Letting go of one life for another will be an adventure and freedom. Just had to let you know I loved this one especially.....Love and Hugs Carmen and Colin xxxxx