It begins with you. In this time of change as Mother Earth begins her shift, be gracious, be kindness, be compassion, be merciful, be love and peace and in so doing raise not only your own vibration but Mother Earth’s as well. ~ACN
I have recently discovered the joy and pleasure of watching various “Flash mob” You-tubes. The one thing that struck me over and over again was that each one started with just one person.
If we expect change to occur in the world then it is up to us to start the process of change. Should we want the world to be a kinder place in which to live, then we should be kind, just as should we want peace in the world, we should be peaceful.
So often we sit back in our comfy armchairs and expect positive changes to happen yet at the same time we constantly criticise, judge and gossip. We do this fully expecting, by some miracle, that suddenly the world will be a place of peace. Well, it just does not work like that. In order to achieve a result we have to take action.
It is not for the politicians to ensure that something like peace occurs on a world wide scale. Even though we elect them to office, it is still our responsibility to take ownership of whatever change we wish to see.
Each time we make a stand and “be” what we want the outcome to be, we raise our vibration as well as the vibration of the world around us. Imagine for a moment, that if 100 of us, each became the peace we wished to see in the world, what a fabulous rise in the world’s vibration there would be. Now, if each one of us on this planet took ownership for “be”ing the peace we want, then collectively we can ensure that the world will become peaceful.
You are no doubt aware that an energy shift will occur on 21.12.2012. There has been much hype amongst the various mediums of media throughout the last year. We have seen physical signs of the impending shift occurring already. The recent Tsunami in Japan is testament to this. On measurement of the earth’s axis it was found that it had already shifted by approximately 25cm. During the course of this year, we have seen birds falling from the skies in deaths for no apparent reason. Birds are inherently programmed to their flight paths and have not adjusted to the shift of the earth’s axis as yet. My belief, as with many others, is that they simply “ran out of breath” when they failed to meet their normal destination. Sad as it may seem, there appears to be no other logical conclusion to this phenomenon. Some scientists have claimed that noise pollution is a contributing factor to these occurrences, yet others are totally baffled by it.
Humanity has a choice with this shift. We can choose to have either a positive or a negative shift. Should we wish the shift to be positive, then we need to raise the earth’s vibration substantially. Positive mindsets which must include our “be”ing loving human beings who are filled with compassion, kindness, mercy, love and peace should be of priority right now. If each one of us conducts our life in genuineness in this light, we will substantially raise the earth’s vibration and the shift will be a positive one, and will bring everlasting peace to Mother Earth. Gaia so deserves to have positive energy right now and for millennium to come. The actions of mankind have done so much to harm her. It is time mankind did something good to honour her willingness for our incarnation to her surface.
Step up to the plate then. Let it begin with you!
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://freedombytheway.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/mother-earth.png
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited
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