We can learn many things from our fellow man (or woman). We learn how to be or how not to be. We can choose to follow examples of behaviour; we can assess a behavioural pattern of someone and choose to emulate it. We choose to have heroes and heroines, choosing them based on their behaviour. We hear or read their words and can choose to take them into our lives, living by them and making ourselves better, stronger, wiser humans.
Just as we choose to learn from the positive in people in our lives so to we can learn from those who chose to lead despicable lives. People such as Hitler can teach us so much. One of the greatest lessons that I learned from him was that we are all equal. Even although he made choices to eliminate certain races and creeds of humanity, in doing this he taught me that to make another suffer despicable atrocities is unacceptable. I learned from him that when we touch the life of another, we create a ripple effect that touches the lives of all connected to that person. By creating fear in one we create fear in all who surround that being, their families, their friends, their colleges etc. And so we impact collectively on all in that circle.
No person is inherently bad for we are created in love by our Divine. We are created as perfect beings with the ability to love unconditionally and without judgment. Each one of us has good qualities and all deserve a place in the sun. Some of us choose lessons in this lifetime that lead us down paths that are dark and filled with wrong doings and destruction. Be gentle with these souls for they are here learning, just as we are here to learn positive lessons.
I have recently had the experience of visiting someone who is incarcerated in a correctional facility. I have met and heard of those who are also there for whatever crime that they have committed and have learned the lesson of acceptance in such a huge way. I have learned not to judge them for they are there, paying for whichever crime they have committed. By judging them, I judge their families and friends too. Most of us look at the family, especially the parents, and ask why they have a son who has become what he is. Yet, no matter what the parent has done in raising that person, they are not responsible for their actions and therefore cannot be judged. They too are learning from this is experience, just as I have learned; acceptance and love in the circumstance, despite the crime committed. The lessons we learn from each experience is of importance here. Be filled with Divine love, compassion and kindness for these beings as they learn what they contracted to learn.
On death of the body, the soul returns to universe where it will face it's council, before continuing to healing. It is here that the soul will be required to account for its life minute by minute and from this will complete its learning as it is made to understand how a lesson could still be gained from the experience yet in a positive way. Know then that the act of judgment is not ours to make since it is the role of one’s council to do so. Rise above the urge to judge and think upon this when you feel the need to do so.
When darkness in deed intrudes or is within your own life’s bounds, be gentle on yourself also and know that you have contracted to experience this. Forgive yourself for your role in the life of another who has so chosen to lead such a dark life and know that you are loved and are love.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgExTeewHfp5aYfXzKOEQHM0Vzne9GFagUYvnfIHraOg4N0q-351xwpv7R0oEH1HVBb0vzwv7OwV41E3u9A3z_M6tGpYmzdjbAXU6APpGRM07_lB9p0OxvSo2iqgHOhBd2S0qDLNwZvgfmT/s1600/prison+bars.jpg
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