In the face of danger, in the face of turmoil, in the face of darkness, you will always be surrounded by the love of your Divine, held in His presence and enfolded in the wings of His Angels. ~ACN
There are plenty amongst us who live in war torn countries or who live with constant danger as the countries in which we live, although not in the state of war, are violent and filled with dangers. Living in such countries, we find that we build a field or shield of protection around us and often become quite complacent in living in the face of violence.
Now whilst there is nothing wrong in protecting ourselves, living with complacency can lead us to even greater danger. Being blinded by false beliefs can be quite detrimental to our beings. It remains our responsibility to ensure that we are diligent in how we live and in taking care to ensure that we do not become complacent.
When faced with danger of a physical nature, or when we face turmoil in our lives, we always need to remember that whilst we have incarnated to Mother Earth, we are never ever alone. Each of us incarnated accompanied by our primary or main guide. This guide has been with us, as soul, through many millenniums and will continue to be our guide after we complete this lifetime also. Together with our main guide, we all have specific guides, who guide us through certain circumstances; for example, when we divorce, we have a guide who comes to help us and guide us through this difficult time, or when we enjoy the arrival of a new baby, and are sleep deprived and unsure of ourselves, we have guides who come and support us through this experience and so on. Never, ever are we on our own in any given circumstance.
We all have specific Angels too that surround us at all times. Our Angels and guides, will spring into action immediately we ask for support or help. How often, have you been in a situation where you desperately need help and then utter these wonderful words; please help me! No sooner have you spoken them, that you will suddenly hear the same song playing on the radio or feeling that you should do this or that, or you may consistently see the same sequence of numbers, or people will phone you, or be in your space as earth Angels to guide and council you.
So too, does God work. He uses, Angels, guides, earth Angels and so on to bring you support if only you just ask. It is really as simple as that. Ask and you shall receive. This is no empty promise, but God true to His word delivers exactly what we need, when we need it. Of course, do not forget that our wants may not necessarily be our needs.
God is an all loving God and does not wish to see us in a state of suffering, fear or disdain. He wants, just as we do for our children, for us to be happy and fulfilled and He ensures that we are by bringing us to where we must be and giving us what we need.
Have faith and be secure in the knowledge then, that you will always be held in the presence of God and surrounded by His Angels. Feel comforted then as they enfold you in their wings.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://yourcaringangels.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/BeautifulAngel-1.png
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