Let your ears hear the words of another, be in compassion as they share with you. Be not judgmental but be filled with love and peace for it could be you that needs an ear someday. ~ACN
Each one of us has had occasion to listen to the lamentations of another. Sometimes we sit quietly and listen and at others we want to roll our eyes and walk away for whatever reason. Sometimes we are in a hurry and simply do not have the time to stop and listen to what is said. And sometimes we are just not interested in what is being said.
Yet each one of us needs someone to whom we can pour our souls deepest secrets. When someone has the courage to ask you to listen, to trust you with what they say, to be their confidant, stop for a second and be honoured and privileged that they have so asked you. Listen with compassion and love. Really listen to them. Empty your mind of all that occupies it and concentrate on what has or is being said.
Respond with your truth in a gentle, compassionate and loving way always remembering that it has taken courage to trust another. When in confidence, take the honour of it seriously and keep what is said close to your heart for it is not for you to run and tell others whether intentionally or not.
Yet remember that the issue being spoken of is not yours to take on. You cannot experience what the speaker is undergoing. You may have had a similar experience and will comprehend what is happening, the emotions involved, and the pain related to the circumstance. Yet this one is not yours and the speaker is fully responsible for their own experience. Should you find yourself in a position of wanting to take on their pain and suffering, stop and remember that this is not yours to take on for doing so would only be a disservice to the speaker; your trust and loving support is all that you can offer them.
Never stand in judgement saying things such as “I told you so” or “you deserve what is happening” etc for the speaker may already be aware that they have had previously be advised not to embark on the path that they chose and will no doubt already feel badly about the outcome. Simply be in compassion, love and peace with them allowing them to pour forth their words for by doing that they are releasing the tensions, pain and suffering into the Universe and in so doing healing them. Gently comfort them allowing their tears to flow as they confide in you.
Know that both of you are blessed and supported by you Divine in this process.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://richbeyondbills.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/whispering.jpg?w=397&h=320
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