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Saturday 18 June 2011

The Act of Friendship

The act of friendship includes the simple smile of the eyes, the loving gentle touch of a soft hand, the warmth of a hug, the beauty of the inner being. I am smiling from my eyes, touching gently with my hand upon your skin, hugging you warmly and showing you my inner being. ~ ACN

What is a friend? The dictionary describes as a friend as someone you know well and like, but who is not a member of your family. Although this is true, I believe that friendship goes far deeper than this.

Friends are the ones in our lives who can lift us when we are down, they can make us laugh, they can make us cry, the can dance with us as we experience joyous times in our lives, or they can weep with us when our tears flow. They can feel our pain, they can carry our burdens for a while. They are always there when we need them and will come running to us in the middle of the night if we call on them for support. Yet a friend is also someone who can talk their truth in no uncertain terms and can guide us back to the path upon which we should be walking.

Now this is apart from the act of friendship. Being friendly with someone, especially a stranger includes just smiling at them and lifting their souls or gently touching someone’s arm when they are stressed and worn out. Friendship is showing your love in a firm and gentle hug. It is showing compassion, it is showing Universal Love and it is showing peace.

Friendship should always be given with sincerity. If you don’t smile with genuine love, then please don’t smile at someone at all. There is nothing worse than pretentious friendship which quite honestly does not work at all. We should always strive to display friendship from our hearts and not because it is expected of us. I am sure we all have that relative who hugs us with stiff arms and hugs very quickly or they hug us without gentleness, squeezing the life out of us. It feels like they are hugging us because they are expected to and not because they want to. It feels absolutely dreadful to be hugged like this and we immediately sense that it is not genuine. Or you walk in a mall and someone bumps into you and then gives you this pathetic grimace in apology. It’s really not a good experience.

In friendship, simply let your heart take over and allow the love that resides within you to shine forth into the world. The act of friendship then becomes so profound. The more you experience this, the more you want to do it and pretty soon you are doing it every day, all day. Show your soul to the world. It is a beautiful part of you and one well worth sharing with others.

Join me today, smiling from our eyes, showing our souls, hugging from our hearts, touching others gently, both physically and with our words, sharing with the world the greatness of our inner being.

In love and light,


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