When I look within my soul, I will find my inner child, I will find my inner Goddess, I will find my inner strength, I will find unconditional love, I will find peace. I am blessed to have found these. ~ACN
Our souls are made up of very many various aspects. It comprises the whole of our being. It holds within it our ability to be child-like, to be sensual, to love, to be peaceful, and to be joy and so many more. Each and every little character trait is held within our souls.
It is up to us to allow all these character traits out to play. There are times in our lives when it becomes so important for us to do this. Look back in your life and establish when you were last child-like. A time when you could jump up and down and play in the mud or walk down the street, hopping in and out of the water after it had rained or when you picked up a pencil crayon and coloured in.
As adults we often think that in order to appear mature, we are not allowed to behave in a child-like fashion. Well the good news is you can. The next time it rains, run outside and play in the puddles and mud allowing the mud to squish through your toes. Laugh at the most absurd things just as a child would. Have a pillow fight with your spouse and gleefully enjoy the feathers floating down around you or colour in or paint whenever you feel like it and do not worry what anyone else may think or say. If another comments on your behaviour, invite them to join you in your play.
Just as you can now be child-like, be sensuous. Celebrate the woman or man that you are. Ladies, wear the sexy underwear that makes you feel beautiful and goddess like. Gents do what you feel it takes you to be the real man, be gentle, be wise, and be strong. Spoil yourself with simple things. Be romantic to yourself. Look at yourselves with clear, fresh eyes and know that the ability to be the Goddess or God lies within you being.
Each of us had gone through trials and tribulations. From each experience we endure, we grow and develop strengths and wisdom. Sometimes we allow this to show to the world. At other times we hide them deep within ourselves as the experience was extremely hard and difficult to journey. Once we have accepted our experience and then let it go we are able to draw on this strength and wisdom and bring it into our current life to use as and when is needed. Reach within yourself and draw on this for it will serve you each day.
Give thanks for all that you can be today. Give thanks for all that lies within your being. Give thanks for You.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-page-main/ehow/images/a08/6i/nb/mud-projects-800x800.jpg
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