Most of us living in South Africa at this time as those living in the United States have recently had the experience of unusually severe weather. We are seeing storms of gigantic proportion, which wash away buildings, cars and trees’ cutting into Mother Earth as it clears away all in its path. The rains have poured from the Heavens in voluminous amounts, surprising many at this time. Such unusual weather for those of us who live in areas where our winters are cold and dry!
Well just as the rains, thunder and lightning are clearing away the debris of the earth, cleansing the air and removing the pollutants that abound, so too should we clear away all that is negative around us. This includes the clutter we store in the hope that someday we would, perhaps maybe, some distant day in the future, have need of. As humans we tend to collect “stuff” that comprise of memories or “in case we need it” items that we often never look at or even want. I am sure that each one of us has only to open our cupboards and reach into the nether regions of it to see just what we store.
The golden rule is; if you have not used it in the last year, bin it! Donate it to charity, sell it or toss it into the garbage. Take those old photos that you never look at, or if you do, it’s once in a blue moon, and frame the most important ones to you. Hang them on your walls so that you can see and enjoy them as you pass. If you choose to scrap book them, then ensure you schedule time at least once a month, to sit quietly and enjoy them. Every memory that you have on paper, such as a photograph, a card or a picture etc, or in a tangible form, such as the dress you wore to your prom dance, wedding or daughter’s 21st birthday bash, is imprinted upon your heart and will always be with you. No matter how old you get, with intention, you can summon these memories to the fore of your mind and remember not only the item but the details of the event.
I truly believe that there are those amongst us, whom I call “post war” children, who store broken items whose spares may be needed to repair something that we bought subsequent to that particular item breaking. We buy the same kind of vacuum cleaners, for example, keeping the old one just in case we need a spare part from it to repair the new one. This mindset originates from the Great War where commodities were hard to come by and we had to do this to save money. And so we collect and collect and collect. Why we continue to do this is beyond me. The youngsters now, are the “chuck out” generation. They no longer need the item because it is broken or out dated and without a thought they toss it into the garbage. They have no need for it and know, because most of them are master manifestor’s, that they will have the funds to purchase a new item or that they will receive what they require. How awesome is that.
Just as we discard the physical clutter around us clearing the way for newness to enter, so too should we discard negative energy around us. We collect this by staying in the company of negative people, circumstances and surroundings. We may know, for example, that a certain friend is very negative and instead of walking away from them, we allow our ego to take control, in the mistaken belief that we can change them, and in doing so, allow them to continually drain us sending us all their negativity on a consistent basis. Or, we may be in a job where we are continually drained of our energy and it may be a very negative environment. We also often find that we chose to stay in this position as we fear change and have become comfortable within this cloak of negativity.
Every day, take a few minutes to clear the negativity from your being. Sit in a quiet place and through meditation ask that all negativity be removed from your space. Then surround yourself in brilliant white light, the light of your Divine and allow it to seep within your being fulfilling it completely. If during the day, you find that negativity is attacking you, jump up and have a quick dance, drawing to you once again the white light as you do so. At night have a long soaking bath in White Sage. If you are unable to find white sage, use sage that you grow or purchase from your local supermarket. This will slough through the negativity as quick as saying one, two, three and leave you feeling refreshed and filled with positive energy.
As you clear away the negativity that surrounds you, feel the love of your Divine filling your being. Know always that you are love and are loved.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://spaforthesoul.typepad.com/.a/6a0120a68dc09f970b012875da9c8d970c-800wi
My home is in this state and I am slowly making headway, the feeling of reclaimed space is refreshing. Negativity needs to be eradicated from our lives. Let the light in open the blinds, pull back the curtains, dust yourself off and start all over again. The cycle of life will we ever learn. God willingXXXXX. Carmen