Each day brings forth its own challenges. Be with them expecting nothing, wanting nothing and receiving everything, for all that you receive will be what you need. Accept with joy and love and be at peace in the moment.~ACN
I have yet to have a day in my life where I am not faced with a challenge of some sort or another. Whether it is a service failure, a problem with the children or my family or one of my friends is in need, each day brings its own issues. Often, well mostly, these issues are my own. I have allowed them to affect me. My ability to accept and work with it is the point here.
We often set ourselves up for disappointment and failure because we expect something to happen, and then it doesn’t or we want something and it does not materialise. We become our own worst enemies and second guess ourselves, placing unnecessary stress upon ourselves.
When something happens in our lives that is out of our control, in other words, unforeseen circumstances create an outcome, we must accept that it is so and that nothing we do is going to change it. In these instances, we should clearly remember that everything is as it should be at this time. Accept that the moment is now and in the now you can only handle what is before you. Once we do this, we are able to move forward and find creative solutions to the issue at hand.
When we “go into effect” we find ourselves behaving in bizarre ways and react totally out of our usual character. We may jump up and down, throwing a temper tantrum, shout at someone, toss things around, stamp our feet or cuss at the closest person to us. We should take care to remember that emotion is only energy in motion. Emotional outbursts of these kinds serve no one, least of all you. In fact, they serve only to create blockages within your being, elevate your blood pressure, and lower your sugar levels and prevent you from reaching a solution to your problem.
When we expect nothing, nothing can disappoint us. When we want nothing, we lack nothing. With this in mind, not expecting anything and not wanting anything, we open ourselves up to receiving what the Universe can and will bring us. We realise that what we need will be provided for. There is now no longer a need to “go into effect” because our needs are being met.
Be open to accepting what the Universe brings you. Receive in gratitude with Joy, Love and Peace within your heart all that you are given by your Divine.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlms7AZ3JAE8mwv2cJLNl5JyRut19yL_H0n-R9jWR1ZimasJPt
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