When you pretend to smile it touches no one. Smile from your eyes, smile from your heart, smile from your soul and raise not only your vibration but that of the world. ~ACN
To smile is to be in a state of happiness or enjoyment of good fortune or pleasure.
Yet we all know that there are many forms of smiling. We give tight lipped smiles when we are in hurry or when we think this is what we are supposed to do. We give wide lipped smiles when we find enjoyment yet are afraid to really laugh. And then we give those delicious smiles that come from our hearts and which show in our eyes and reveal our souls. These are the smiles we should always give.
Have you ever tried walking down the street or in a mall and smiling from your eyes? The reaction you get is so great. Suddenly people smile back at you, really smile back at you and if you continue doing this, the vibration of the area starts to change. Pretty soon, there are a lot of people smiling at each other and the vibration rises even more. It’s an awesome experience. Try it if you have not already done so and if you have then do so again.
To touch another with your smile is one of the greatest gifts you can offer another. There is hardly another soul who will not smile back or be lifted in spirit when someone gives them a genuine smile.
I am sure that most of you have heard the expression; the eyes are the windows to the soul. I certainly look deeply into the eyes of one I meet, for it will tell me a lot of the person I am meeting. Their eyes will tell me if they are happy, or if they are hiding something, whether they are a cagey type of person, whether they are honest or not. It stands to reason therefore it the smile is from the eyes, that the person is able to achieve a state of happiness and that they are able to share that happiness with others. I love the little wrinkles around the eyes as they tell me that the person smiles a lot. What a way to be! Smiling at the world, raising the vibration of those who encounter that person; how awesome is that!
Our souls need to express themselves through our smiles, laughter and tears. It’s kind of as if they are peeking out at the world when we do this. Please don’t deny your soul this pleasure. Your soul usually has a tough journey on Mother Earth for Gaia is one of the hardest places where we incarnate to learn what we came to. Our souls need to show our happiness, our joy, our pain, our sadness, and our pleasure. It has a multitude of expressions that it needs to show. Let it be, let your soul be expressive of what it needs to.
Take a chance today, smile at someone you do not know. Smile from your eyes. Smile from your heart, smile from your soul.
In love and light,
Picture courtesy of: http://nepi.us/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/smile.jpg
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