In the darkest times of our lives we learn the most. God will never ever give you more than you can handle. Just look up and you will find His loving hand outstretched to you. Look to your footprint and you will find only one set, for it is during these times that He carries you. ~ACN
We all have dark times in our lives. Times when things are tough for us, when we lack financial support, or when we lose someone, lose our jobs or things are just not going right for us.
It is during these times that we feel we are always alone, that we are the only ones going through the experience that we are having. I recall the times during my divorce when I felt so alone and believed that I was the only one in the whole wide world going through this experience. One day I turned the television on and saw a programme on the breakdown of the marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles. Suddenly it struck me that I was not the only one in this position, that there were others in the world who would experience the same range of emotions that I was feeling at that time. I learned so much about myself, my children, my family and friends during this very dark time for me. I learned that I could be tough, that I could endure a vast amount of pain and that I was strong enough to stand on my own and be my own person. Yes, I learned so much.
There are also times in our lives when we feel that we just cannot take another moment of that which we are experiencing. We believe that we no longer have the strength or wisdom to face another day of our “suffering”. Our “suffering” lessens as we realise that we are sent only that with which we can cope and never a gram more. We need only to raise our eyes heavenward and know that our Divine is with us. All we need to do is ask for support from our Divine and it will be instantly granted. Reach up and take the hand that is offered you by Him. If you were to look at your footprints in an esoterically manner you would most certainly see one set of prints upon the sand. This is simply because you are carried in your dark times by your Divine and it is His footprints that you see upon the sand.
Some of us question why we have chosen such difficult lives, filled with many, many lessons. Yet others of us ask why we are facing the same lesson in yet another experience. It is only when we have “gotten” the lesson, learned from it, acknowledged what we have learned from it and then let that lesson go that we can move on to the next one. It sounds so easy and really it is. We have only to un-clutter our minds and come to a place of acceptance to see the vast array of opportunities that present themselves to us which will open doors to a positive outcome from the particular experience.
For those of us with extremely hard and tough life lessons which are not repetitive, I ask that you realise this; it is only an old soul that chooses to experience difficult lessons at a rapid rate, for it is when the soul is old that it starts to journey toward guiding others. If we were not of the experience, how would we be able to council those in future lives? Some of us also chose to experience rapid growth to experience what may well be two soul lives in one earth life experience. Be in gratitude for this as you are blessed to so experience such an earth life.
Each time we journey to Mother Earth, or any other plane for that matter, we are accompanied by many guides and Angels who are with us in a supportive role. We have only to ask and they will immediately jump into action guiding us, showing us doors of opportunity, introducing us to people who will be instrumental in supporting us in achieving the goal of learning and growth. Our guides lead us to where we must be in order to effectively learn and grow. Open your mind to access their wisdom and direction. All that they do for us is done in absolute Divine Love.
Graciously accept the lessons that you have come to learn. Be at one with them. Know that you will emerge stronger and wiser from the experience. Be in gratitude for that which you have learned and never forget that you are held in absolute love by your Divine.
In love and light,
Photo courtesy of: http://whiteangel33.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/jesus-holding-your-hand.jpg
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