Do you feel worthy of yourself? Do you feel that you are worthy of all that the Universe is able to bring to you?
Many of us believe that the feelings of worthiness are not within our beings. For some of us, life knocks have been the major contributing factor to this state of mind. For others, it has been the treatment of our parents to us. And yet, for others, the “friends”, colleagues and siblings have or may have contributed to our believing that we are not worthy.
Each and every one of us, have the birthright to believe that we are innately worthy of all that is good in life as well as what the Universe is able to bring to us.
In not believing that we have worth, that we are special, beautiful beings that are so deserving of great positivity and great new things, we create blocks that prevent it arriving into our lives. So often, we do such injustice to ourselves in not letting go of what holds us back.
Take a look at your history. What has caused these feelings of unworthiness? If you are unable to look at your life objectively, perhaps because it is too painful, perhaps because you are afraid of what you have to face in doing so, then sit quietly and journal what comes into your mind. Do not concern yourself if your journaling manifests as single words, simply keep going until you establish the truth within you leading to why and yes, perhaps when, these feelings began to manifest in your life. Once you have established the root of the feeling, gently work on correcting it, giving thanks for the experience and then letting it go, releasing it into the Universe to be dissipated by the Universe.
There are many exercises one can do to grow your sense of self worth. Having said this, know that when you address the cause of the lack of self worth, then self worth will begin to come naturally as you realize that you are indeed a beautiful loving soul. Some exercises that you may wish to try are:
- Tell yourself repeatedly that you are worth more.
- Stand in front of the mirror, butt naked and really look at your body. Find the beauty within you and be in gratitude for it. This make take some time but eventually you will learn to love yourself, both your inner and outer beauty, and you will be able to see why you are worthy of the good that is out there just waiting for you to harvest it.
- Do things that make you feel happy and know that as you enjoy them that you are worth every moment of happiness that flows into your life.
- When applying for a new job, set a realistic value on your income, ensuring that you know your worth and feel that you so deserve it.
- Choose the most desirable item on the shelf as you shop and know that you are fully worthy of it. It may be the most expensive item, or it may be one that you really love. The point here is to feel that you are worth spending your dollars on it. Chase away any feelings of guilt that may rear its ugly head whilst doing this exercise. (Remember too that it remains your responsibility to ensure that you can afford the item you are purchasing).
Please serve yourself today. Acknowledge right here, right now, that you are worthy of your weight in gold. You are a gift to the world. Be in gratitude for the glorious times that await you should you but reach your hands out to receive.
In love and light,
Image courtesy of: http://www.luvata.com/Global/Careers/Weight%20in%20gold.jpg
Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited.
I love this one. Lenard